Wednesday, January 5, 2011

China has figured out why birds are falling all over...

Seems the most probable explanation... and I always thought from the beginning that all those events were related to the magnetic field....

Who knows if the sun's magnetic field will really reverse in 2012.

Also the article is stating that birds are falling off the sky in China... So another place to add to the list... no way a disease or chemtrails could do that... it has to be a GLOBAL phenomenon... which the disruption of the earth's magnetic field is...

We know that birds navigate by the magnetic field, only the magnetic field changes, and the birds will be lost fall,

Migratory birds rely on the body's "biological compass" to determine the direction is "open secret", but it is not clear how the perception of the magnetic field of birds.

"Nobody knows it (the magnetic induction system) to work," Patterson said Murray, "magnetic induction principle is that people understand the nature, at least so far the (principle)."

How long migratory birds perceive the magnetic field on two main points. One view is that the birds beak cells can sense the Earth's magnetic field and pass the message through the nervous system to the brain; another point of view, birds eye in the photoreceptor cells can "see" the magnetic field, and the information through another way to the brain is referred to as "N clusters" light processing area.

Specific proteins in migratory birds eye "cryptochrome" Maybe this is the light-dependent magnetic field sensing of the media. Light stimulation of this protein produced a pair of free radicals, free radicals can be carried by the electron spin may be able to perceive the special properties of Earth's magnetic field.

In general, the magnetic elements of change is very small, but with the solar activity and geomagnetic storms are closely related phenomena, but it happened very suddenly. This is because the intense sunspot activity, when the energy released is equivalent to some one hundred thousand hydrogen bomb blast, while a large number of charged particles ejected. These charged particles hitting the Earth forming a powerful magnetic field to the magnetic field superposition, so that under normal circumstances, the magnetic elements changed dramatically, causing "magnetic storms." Occurs when the magnetic storm on Earth many strange phenomena occur. Over the North Pole in the dark there will be a beautiful aurora. The compass will swing, short-wave radio broadcasts suddenly, relying on the magnetic field "navigation" will be lost pigeons, flying around. To cosmic rays and magnetic fields can stop high-energy
charged particles from the sun is harmful organisms from the natural umbrella.

There may be and the polarity of the magnetic field changes related to conversion, according to Indian newspaper reports, Hyderabad (Hyderabad), a company in 2012, researchers predicted that the Earth and the Sun's magnetic poles will reverse. Earth's magnetic reversal Earth's magnetic field is the occurrence of the Arctic and Antarctic swap, in the course of the earth will experience at some point in time there is no magnetic field in the state.

Such a thing in human history not recorded, so only through computer simulation of its impact. Hyderabad model based on the Earth and the Sun's magnetic field in addition to the conversion.


  1. I agree that the earths magnetic field may be changing, and this could have something to do with those birds. I want to add that after the 5000 blackbirds fell from the sky dead, landing on cars and sidewalks, etc, the very next day in the same state, 80,000 to 100,000 fish all died and washed up on shore along a 32 mile stretch.

    In the book "The Body Electric" by Robert O. Becker, a large amount of information about electromagnetic radiation and electricity and their effects on health is presented. Robert Becker has figured out how to stimulate bones with electricity to speed up healing, and his research is showing that completely regrowing limbs is in the near future.

    He has done a lot of research and has shown that when a powerful magnet is put on either side of a human beings head, they lose consciousness. This is because the brain operates via electrical impulses and, magnetic fields and electric fields effect each other. The whole human body is full of electrical impulses and DNA itself is guided by electromagnetic impulses.

    The United States Army has known this for some time and has been researching and developing weapons that can now, by means of lazers (which is a real phenomenon - just look at the typical pen lazer that teenagers carry around with them) actually project electromagnetic fields at a persons head - or at a geographhical area and completely interfere and alter the electrical properties of the DNA and, basically an organisms state of health.

    I would not doubt that these birds and fish that are dying may be the result of "tests" performed by the army.

    In the book "Tuning In to Nature" (forget the author...) researchers discovered way back in the mid 1900's that pesticides were not needed. Bugs communicate via antennae that are spaced universally across each species of bugs so that they can all "catch" the same electromagnetic frequencies and send and recieve information to eachother such as where food is, or when someone is ready to mate.
    Instead of the government applying various technologies that could simply tell crop "pests" to go elsewhere, they instead continued manufacturing pesticides instead to ensure the public eats lots of poison on a daily basis so that they cannot reach "enlightenment", and can remain easily controlled. A sick person is easily controlled. Pesticides are designed to create disease - not to kill bugs. The killing of bugs is the cover.

    Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts Chris
    I appreciate your effort to give people a chance to begin working towards true freedom.

  2. This is what I'm talking about the opportunity to get people of like minds engaged. It's critical that we collectively come together and express the various angles of this anomaly.

    I'm in the process of gather information on electromagnet activity in that area at the time this happened. There have been reports from Sweden, Brazil, and New Zealand that this has happened there as well, so this is by no stretch an 'isolated' incident. To further that the government is trying to convince the masses that 'fireworks' caused this; I'll pass on that. I would suggest, and as I've said before the poles are shifting.

    Ever get smashed in the melon so hard that you've been completely spun(concussion)? If you put this into practical application of creatures such as birds and fish, which I might add have a very delicate makeup, combine that with a sudden impact of magnetic frequency and things are bound to go wrong.

    In the case of the fish I'm thinking that the large amounts of Corexit has made its way into the Gulf Stream and its making its way into different oceans across the globe. For those that are not familiar Corexit it was sprayed directly into the air over the Gulf of Mexico during the oil spill. It's a known fact that storms can lift certain ocean-borne substances and rain down further inland. This could also be a contributing factor.

    I'm hoping some people managed to save some of these birds for an independent analysis.

    Love the discussion.

