Friday, January 7, 2011

The USDA’s Organic Deception

Organic is organic, or is it? It would seem that it is all a matter of perspective when one takes a stroll through the mountains of documents on the FDA and USDA websites.

The word “organic” is fast becoming a high-dollar money-maker for corporations smart enough to jump on the bandwagon and start marketing their products as “made with organic ingredients,” or “certified organic.” Even Monsanto is taking advantage of this burgeoning market, and people naïve enough to believe that what we have traditionally thought of as pure, organic food, is still that way, are being duped.

Full Story @

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion 'green' is the next bubble to break. I would also tread lightly around the the term 'organic'. Using the word implies money rich pockets when its just about growing your own food, the healthy way.

