Thursday, January 13, 2011

Merrill warns interest rates may jump by year-end

Inflation is poised to surprise on the upside later this year, which will prompt the Bank of Canada to raise short-term interest rates by 1.5 percentage points, says Sheryl King, chief investment strategist for Merrill Lynch Canada.

The possibility of a run-up in rates, now pegged at 1 per cent, would lead to increases in the cost of many types of consumer debt, including the variable-rate mortgages popular with many homeowners.

Ms. King made the rate forecast following the investment bank’s global outlook conference in Toronto, where senior market analysts for the firm lauded a slew of natural resource stocks and one strategist made a high-profile prediction that the debt crisis now afflicting European governments will spread to the United States, an event that would cause both the euro and the Canadian dollar to soar.

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