Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Earth must prepare for close encounter with aliens, say scientists

World governments should prepare a co-ordinated action plan in case Earth is contacted by aliens, according to scientists.

They argue that a branch of the UN must be given responsibility for "supra-Earth affairs" and formulate a plan for how to deal with extraterrestrials, should they appear.

The comments are part of an extraterrestrial-themed edition of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A published today. In it, scientists examine all aspects of the search for extraterrestrial life, from astronomy and biology to the political and religious fallout that would result from alien contact.

Full Story @ http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2011/jan/10/earth-close-encounter-aliens-extraterrestrials


  1. How can their not be aliens? Take away the word aliens in case that makes you get defensive. Lets just say "life on other planets" to help keep an open mind. Our star (the sun) has 1 planet out of 9 that has life. There are TRILLIONS of other stars. If you do the math, there's probably like Billions of other planets that have life on them. Of course there is other life.

    Preparing for aliens in my opinion would be a huge waste of time. If other life makes it to our planet, it automatically means they have WAY more technology than us. So if preparing for them means establishing some sort of plan of action for defense in case they are dangerous, that would be a waste of time.

    There are so many other things that need attention on our planet RIGHT NOW. Four species are going extinct PER DAY. The average lifespan of Industrialized nations is dropping fast - most people are now dying in their 60's, 50's, 40's of degenerative disease. Massive terrorist organizations like the United States of America are invading countries and killing 1000's of people for oil (money). There's lots of other issues to rant on about, but I'll leave it at that.

    The point is, there's no way to know for sure when aliens would show up, and when they do, there's no way of knowing how to handle the situation. All efforts to 'prepare' could be wasted based on the circumstances of their arrival. The furthest thing we can do to prepare is just realize its going to happen sooner or later. Then, get back to putting our energy into making Planet Earth a happy healthy place.

  2. For me it’s like being in group of people. You have to be the best you can be in order to become something; whatever that is I'm not sure. We need to think of the planet as a collective in a system of collectives. We must look at it from a high level. If we start to make ourselves better people from a conscious standpoint (which involves the health of humans) we can be sure that ‘others’ might want to play with us.

    What if the other planets had the technology to see us? What must they be thinking to themselves? I’m of the same opinion with a slightly different twist. I’m not saying being prepared is a waste of time but certain resources could be delegated to ‘host’ other species if they see fit to visit. When you have company over you do your best to set things right, you clean up and you dress accordingly for those guests. The same practical application could be used from an Earthly point of view. Of course we just ‘see them’ or have ‘encounters’; they won’t expose themselves to us until our house is in order.

    It only makes sense in my opinion.
